The Fire Garden – Sydenham Edge Festival

The Fire Garden, by Tortuga Studios with support of Inner West Council.
August 10th starting at Sundown till 10.30 pm at Sydneham Green, Sydenham.  

“Fire’s real beauty is that it destroys responsibility and consequences” Fahhrenheit 451

Part fronded beauty, part mechanical jungle, THE FIRE GARDEN was forged in the flames of the inner west’s industrial heartland.

Featuring the work of over 40 artists and performers, this vagabond plot challenges our preconceptions of beauty, power, the ancient pull of our tribal past and what is ‘acceptable’ in contemporary society.

With fire-based installations, interactive works, sculptures, projections, live music, DJs, campfires, food trucks and more, THE FIRE GARDEN will roar into life from sundown on Saturday 10 August, beneath the jet trails that soar above Sydenham Green.

Artists + performers, in no particular order: Dillon MacEwan, Murray Adams + Chris Virus, Garth Knight, IKARA, Grant Robinson, Rachael Lafferty, Jasmine Poole + Chris Sewell, Mark Swartz, Justin Harvey, Tolmie MacRae (Rogue Simian) ICARUS, Circusworks, Gemma Lark, Zac Hutchinson, Kohei Saiuchi, Sam Rowlands (Uncle Uncel), TROLLEY’D, Miguel Valenzuela Rhiannon Hopley, Kris Perry, Mary Flaskas, Vix Brown, Pirate Photography, Simon Scheuerle, Jess Weir, Pete Strong, BUNKWAA, Cult of Everything, Isaac Gallagher, Brendan Pierce, Rob Maxwell, Lu Campbell-Smith, ALIEN PROOF CONSTRUCTION, Outrageous Entertainment, Sunny the Goth.

Live music:
White Knuckle Fever
The Loud Hailers
Music performance:
NikNak vs Abstract Doll
Jenn Moore
Mashy Pea
DJ Lexx