Percival Photographic Portrait Prize Finalist

I am excited to announce that I have had my work Oleander, selected as a finalist in the Percival Photographic Portrait Prize.

Percival Photographic Portrait Prize returns for the third time since its inaugural display at Pinnacles Gallery in 2014. This prize was started to coincide with the highly popular Percival Portrait Painting Prize at Perc Tucker Regional Gallery and ensure a city-wide celebration of portraiture.

“We reach stages in our lives that are obvious chapters, which can be both abrupt and end difficulty resulting in an unavoidable new direction. I have met many people who have had these kinds of chapters for most of their life’s story. With this work, ‘Oleander’ is a representation of the resilience and wearisome results that a build-up of these moments can have.

Oleander, my subject is much like the plant, in that she has grown a tolerance to long seasons of drought as well as the inundation from winter rains through life. A toxic plant, while weathered and grey, even with everything it can endure still manages to flower.”