Not A Stat – Exhibition Opening

Opening Night
September 12th, 5-7pm
AD Space at UNSW A&D (previoulsy known as COFA)

I will be showing work from my Housebound photographs series.

Curated by Kate Stoddard, Not a Stat, reflects on lived experiences of mental illness, including mental health practices. The exhibition provides a visual translation of what is often difficult to articulate, thereby offering an opportunity to communicate experience beyond that of verbal disclosure. Included artworks range as much in materiality as they do in conceptual reflection; from the ever-present stigmatisation of mental illness to being in a state of severe depression; from paralysis at the hand of anxiety to means of finding relief.

The exhibition title takes inspiration from the common reduction of lived experiences to scientific statistics (“1 in 4 people experience mental illness”) and the emergence of understanding mental illness through a purely biological or neurochemical lens. The exhibition shifts focus onto the reality of living or dealing with mental health difficulties.

Amy Bruce, Bailee Lobb, Ben Adams, Jennifer Brady, Jeremy Smith, Linda Sok, Lisa Carrett, Monica Rudhar, Plum de Noone and Rhiannon Hopley.

Opening Night Performances:
5.45pm – Bailee Lobb, ‘Weightless Shells’
6.30pm – Poetry slam by Caravan Slam.