Discovering Locations Exhibition

Join us for opening drinks for Rhiannon Hopley’s first solo exhibition ‘Discovering Locations’
A Series of photographs : The Lost and Forgotten Locations of Sydney and surrounds.

12 AUGUST 6 – 8PM

12 – 23 AUGUST

“Exploring the often-disconnected relationship between nature, the urban landscape and the human condition.
Hopley photographs abandoned and forgotten urban sites, documenting the effects of nature and the elements on these places over time. While her work is often absent of a person or figure, there is an emotional human undertone as she tries to convey the deep emotional state of nostalgia and the profound melancholy associated with longing for someone, or something. The locations and shadowy scenes correlate with our emotional selves, mirroring feelings of isolation, emptiness and sorrow through absence and stillness.
Drawing on humanity’s fascination and obsession with apocalyptic theory and mythology, Hopley captures these abandoned urban sites as poetic symbols of a hypothetical post-apocalyptic wasteland. All that remains in these worlds is a vague trace of human existence and a picturesque melancholia that stays with the viewer long after leaving the gallery.”
FB Event: RH Photography & Design

Chrissie Cotter Gallery
Pidcock Street, Camperdown, NSW 2050

The gallery will be open Thursday – Sunday 11am – 4pm
(Monday – Wednesday available by appointment only)