Queer- A Celebration of Art and Activism Exhibition in Nepal

Happy to share a new series of work currently on display in Nepal for @kaalo.101: Queer – A Celebration of Art and Activism.
The series is has been put up around the streets of Kathmandu, as wheatpaste’s and installations contributing to the cityscape in an accessible exhibition for observers.
While the exhibition cannot be within Kaalos gallery space, works will be displayed online. Once the pandemic is over, there will be a showcase in Kaalo.101 gallery as well.

Check out all the breathtaking works on their Instagram for this month-long initiative for Pride Month.

About the work;
my partner and I identify as queer, we are both bi-sexual/pansexual, and my partner is non-binary.
I came out relatively young, but it took many years to discover (and more accurately accept) that I am pan-sexual/bisexual. I often felt that my queerness correlated with who my partner was at the time rather than my own identity.
It doesn’t, and it shouldn’t; sexuality is fluid to me. If you identify as queer, no one has the right to tell you otherwise.

This series of poster-style works express the fragmented and blurred forms of that fluidity and the very un-black and white definitions of queerness with words that resonate with both of us.



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